The best Linux distributions installed on your Android phone _ YouNux

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The best Linux distributions installed on your Android phone _ YouNux

The best Linux distributions installed on your Android phone.

How to install Linux on Android linux on phone install linux phone on android linux on phone 2020 YouNux YouNux404

 Android is an OS supported the Linux kernel, and intrinsically provides endless possibilities for its developers to try to what they like.
There will always be people doing the work. That's why we provide you 3 open source alternatives to put in Linux on an Android phone.


From its official website, Termux has been defined as a phone emulator for Android, and therefore the Linux environment application works directly, without the necessity for root or configuration.
Termux automatically installs Linux and lets us do some basic items. Additionally, it runs as a separate system from Android, so we will still use the mobile for something else without a drag.
It is considered the most competitor of Termux. The OpenL UserLAnd project offers the answer to run Linux on Android in a simple and practical way. Why? Because although it allows us to put in an instruction, its goal is to put in full Linux distributions on our Android mobile, like Debian, Ubuntu, Kali, etc ...

Maru OS

If we take a mobile with Maru OS installed, it's like we're facing a traditional Android device. But when an HDMI cable is connected to a monitor, and a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse are added, the magic happens, because it provides us with an entire Linux desktop.
Maru OS is predicated on Debian and AOSP. the thought behind the project is that we've a tool that doesn't get to run Linux as a separate app within Android.

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