Google prohibits its employees from using the Zoom app
Although Zoom for Video or Video Conference was launched in 2013, he did not know his great popularity except in the recent period, as he switched from an application with five million users to only 200 million users within a few weeks, but this great success was met by great criticism At the same time,
And a lot of criticism was directed at the Zoom application because of the privacy problems that arise from time to time, to the degree that the education department in New York State of America banned the use of the ZOOM application by teachers and students alike demanding that they move to the Microsoft Teams application as soon as possible. Possible, which comes against the background of reports that indicate the weakness of the application in providing protection to users, especially with the emergence of pornographic and racist content during direct contacts, in addition to recording incidents of people joining direct conversations without permission.
As for this time, it is Google that banned all its employees and dealers with it from using the Zoom application, in order to ensure the safety of their data and contacts, but more than that, reports indicate that Google has banned access to Zoom via computers for its employees, but This move came not only because of the accusations leveled against the application being unsafe but also because the company wanted to promote its own video conference application, Google Meet.
And during the recent period, due to the home quarantine and the dependence of many on video communication applications, whether at the level of their business or family connections, these applications have become in fierce competition to win the largest number of users
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